Interview Coaching

Interview Coaching

Voted winner of the 2018 Outstanding Interview Strategist Award by my colleagues at Career Professionals of Canada.


“Tuesday morning I met with the Dean Group (head hunter). I told them I had hired your services as interview coach and they were impressed with that.” ~Richard, Sales Estimator

Interview coaching sessions enable you to identify your true strengths and gain more confidence in your abilities. These sessions help you articulate your success stories and convince the hiring manager that you are the best candidate for the position. Go through your next interview without feeling the least bit intimidated!

Our interview coaching service sets you apart from your competitors. If you want to boost your chances of acing your next interview, it’s time to contact us.


Do employment interviews make you uncomfortable?

Can you confidently articulate your success stories?

Do you want to get an offer and close the deal?

If your answer is “yes”, you are in good company. Most people are intimidated with interviews. Some have lost confidence when they are rejected or when an interview goes awry. Some are uncomfortable talking about themselves, while others haven’t yet learned good interviewing skills. Whatever your interview fears, we can assist you to confidently articulate your unique promise of value – what you are bringing to the table.

Remember that the interview is a two-way street. The employer has a position to fill and you have the skill sets for the position. It’s your job to convince the employer that of all the candidates in the pool, you’re the one!

How can we help?

Interview coaching is a valuable investment, and the success of your interview hinges on how prepared you are. We want you to be confident, from the moment you’re invited to the interview to the time you negotiate your compensation package. How better to do so than to schedule a few practice sessions with us?

We model our sessions using behavioural type questions where you have to recall stories from the past that address the challenges you faced, the approach you used and the impact / results or outcomes. This method allows you to tackle any questions asked whether they are framed as traditional or behavioural questions.

Our interactions involve more than reviewing interview questions. We make sure you are able to dive deep to uncover the value you are creating (or have created) for your employers, and stop giving hollow, surface-level answers.

When we work with clients – whether it’s through a career transition, developing a professional resume, or coaching them on interview strategies – we use a ‘strategy tree’ approach, which addresses: Why (Purpose), What (Value Proposition), Who (Target Company) and How (How to win). Some clients equate our process to a SWOT Analysis where we identify internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats. It is true, because we want to make sure to cover as many bases as possible.

Our Process

Interview In ProgressOur process involves a mandatory 2-hour session (by phone or in-person) with homework assignments between sessions. The mock session allows you to try out your new skills in a non-judgmental environment and receive helpful feedback.

Our goal is to equip you with techniques that:

  1. Increase your confidence and decrease anxiety
  2. Give you a reasonably good chance of answering any question appropriately and well, and
  3. Help you stand out from other candidates


Starts at $350.00 (for individuals up to Mid-career level).

Starts at $450.00 (for Senior Management, Directors, and Executives)

NOTE: Final fee depends on the level of the client and if a presentation is required.

*Fee subject to change without notice.


Are you ready to move forward? Contact us at 647 930-4763, or send an email at info[at] for details on how the process works.


Comments from Interview Coaching Clients:

Below is a un-edited letter from Mara detailing what it was like working with me:

“I came to the Wright Career Solution as someone who would get an interview, but not get a job offer. I wondered what was it that I was doing to get so close yet still so far? Why weren’t employers committing to my vision of the role? So, I contacted Daisy through her website, and she got back to me very quickly.

We had a few weeks to get prepared for my interview and true to her word she asked me the questions I had thought I had asked myself enough times. Somehow, she got me to dive deep into the reasons why I was not getting the job offer. I realized through working with Daisy that I have never been well prepared for an interview and I was just finding this out now!!

She coached my language use, how to market myself, how to look at a job description and dissect it to its tiniest parts and build it back together to a riveting story that captivates the audience of my hiring committee.

Thank you Daisy! The Wright Career Solution got my career in the right direction! Everyone should invest in a career coach.


Project Manager, Health IT Services


“You really helped me focus/craft my answers to broad questions by fitting them into the framework of: circumstance, action I took, result, and how I’d apply that to the role.  I really needed that because of the breadth and depth of my work experiences.

You gave me really constructive feedback on my interview style, posture, “presence”, etc.  I took them to heart and was cognizant of your feedback during subsequent interviews.

It’s no coincidence that 2 of the 3 roles I interviewed for – after working with you – went all the way to 3rd/final interviews.  While the roles were definitely well aligned with my skill set, if I didn’t execute at the interview phases, I would not have proceeded successfully through the process.” ~Director, Governance & Relationship Manager


“Good Morning Daisy,
I would like to share the good news with you that I got the job for which I had interviewed.

Thank you for all your help!!


Professional Engineer, City of Brampton


“I got the job!!! I started today. Thanks SOOO much for your help Daisy. Not only are you great at what you do, but you are a pleasure to be around”.

Lily D. – Executive Assistant, Toronto


“Good, good news!!! The Chair called me and offered me the position. It was fully endorsed by the entire board. I will be negotiating a contract/start date throughout the next few days. Will keep you posted. Very excited – lots to learn, lots to do!!! Thanks again.”

Diane O., CEO of an international charity organization.


“I have successfully passed all the interviews and have been accepted as a franchisee. I already started my training and I should takeover the franchise this summer. Thanks for everything.”

Daniel, Montreal


“…My panel interview with the Police Department was a pretty relaxed atmosphere…Thank you again for your help throughout the interview process. Every piece of advice you gave me really was a great help. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!”

Rose, Guelph (Member of Peel Regional Police Department)


“Thanks again for all your help preparing me for the interview. It definitely helped.”

Paul, Supervisor – Region of Peel

Join the list of those who have benefited from our services. An Interview Coaching session is a valuable investment that will determine whether you remain in the job you hate, or move your career forward!


Get the “wright” career solution!

Call (647) 930-4763 or Email us at info[at]

As founder and Lead Career Strategist at The Wright Career Solution, I provide resume writing and career services to executives, managers, and mid-career professionals. I hold several industry certifications including Certified Career Management Coach, and Certified Executive Leadership Development Coach, and Certified Resume Strategist, and I am known for my positive, ‘can-do’ attitude.
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