The Wright Career Solution

Career Renovation Workshop Series / Visioning Events

Career Renovation Workshop Series / Visioning Events

At The Wright Career Solution, we offer professional development workshops and Lunch N Learns for groups and organizations. We believe that once in a while it makes sense to connect with other humans.

Contact us to see how we can collaborate and customize a session or two for you and/or your organization.

The workshop series below is a leadership development program for mid-level professionals and emerging leaders who want to accelerate their career growth and make an impact in the workplace. The series is offered through the Aspire to GROW Leadership Academy. The topic areas are designed to give participants the tools, strategies, and support they need to succeed. They are also offered as standalone.

The series is as follows: 

Set Your Career Compass

Develop a clear vision of what you want to achieve, and the steps you need to achieve them.

Define Your Personal Brand

Discover your unique strengths and define and your personal brand that sets you apart from the competition.

Find Your Voice at Work

Learn how to effectively communicate your ideas, opinions, and perspectives, navigate difficult conversations and challenging workplace dynamics, and advocate for yourself.

Grow Your Confidence

Build self-confidence, ditch self-limiting beliefs, own your story, and learn how to present yourself with authority and credibility.

Hone Your Leadership and Emotional Intelligence Skills

Develop the essential leadership and emotional intelligence skills that are necessary for success in today’s workplace.

Negotiate With Courage

Learn the best principles to negotiate the salary and compensation package you deserve so you don’t leave money on the table.

Set Your 30-60-90- Day Plan for Success

Learn how to demonstrate your value and make a positive impact within the first 30, 60, and 90 days of starting a new job or taking on a new role.

Conduct Effective Informational Interviews:

Learn how to arrange and conduct Informational interviews with professionals in a particular field who can provide insights into their work experiences, industry trends, and potential career paths.

Identify Transferrable Skills

Learn to identify skills that can be transferred to a variety of different roles, industries, and situations, and put you on a new career path.

Visioning 2023

Want to experience the joy, camaraderie and learning that happens at these annual events since 2016?

Join us in Milton on Saturday, January 14. This will be the first in-person Visioning event since 2020. Milton’s Mayor, Gord Krantz, will be there to welcome us.

Visioning 2020 – The Sip & Paint Experiment

Saturday, January 11, 2020. This is where the seed for the book 21 Resilient Women was sown. 

Although a few months later, the Pandemic happened, it provided the impetus to write the book, 21 Resilient Women: Stories of Growth, Courage and Transformation.

Visioning 2019

Saturday, January 12, 2019, at Peel Art Gallery Museum (PAMA)!

If you would like to hit the reset button for 2019, get ready to participate in this year’s Visioning Event. Our theme for this year is #WhyNotMe.

Watch this space…

Why Not Me Coaching Program
Visioning 2019 with group of women holding a copy of Michelle Obama's book Becoming

Here the women are holding a copy of Former First Lady, Michelle Obama’s book Becoming. It aligned very well with the #WhyNotMe the

Visioning 2018: Where Big, Bold, Bodacious Dreams Come to Life!…

Visioning 2018, held on National Visioning Day, January 13th, was a resounding success! Don’t take my words for it. Here’s a sample of what attendees had to say:

Career Renovation Workshop

An attentive group of Career Renovation Enthusiasts at the Corporate Events Centre in Mississauga.

Free Download

If you are struggling to know how to approach the promotion conversation with your manager, you MUST download this free resource. It’s a great place to start!