The Wright Career Solution

Work With Me

At The Wright Career Solution, we can help you achieve your career goals with specialized career services.


Are you in the market for affordable and comprehensive resume and career services?

Are you hopelessly stuck in the same career rut?

Do you feel imprisoned by your current job?

Career services include:

Professional Resume Packages – Market your unique value and potential. Get that much desired interview call with a professional resume. Your resume should convey your ‘unique promise of value’, showcase your personal brand, demonstrate that you truly are an asset to an organization, and indicate how much the prospective employer will benefit from hiring you. Your goal should be to stand out from the crowd and make a great first impression. We can help you do that!

Interview Coaching – Articulate your success stories with confidence and convince the hiring manager that you are the best candidate for the position. It is well-known that the candidate who gets the job is not necessarily the most qualified, but the one who is able to show the hiring manager that he or she understands their needs and can solve their problems. We can help you be that candidate!

Job Search Coaching – Reach employers and secure job interviews. All of us face career challenges in the course of our professional lives. Sometimes it’s stifling in a job that we hate; being passed over for promotions, or, sometimes we have just reached a crossroad in our careers and need to be steered in the right direction.Dealing with these challenges will be easier if you have a coach who can guide you when you in your career direction. Our job search coaching offers you the solutions you are looking for.

Career Coaching – Build a bright and successful career. Business executives, actors, athletes, professional speakers, and entertainers are all experts in their fields, yet they hire coaches to keep them motivated and to help guide them in fulfilling their goals and dreams. You are no different. You are an expert but could probably benefit from the guidance of a career coach.

Are We the Right Fit for You?

Now that we have your interest, let’s determine if we are a good fit for each other. It’s true that we would love to serve everyone who contacts us, but that’s not realistic. That’s the reason we work predominantly with executives, managers, experienced and mid-career professionals who are serious about taking their career up a notch, and standing out from their competitors. These professionals usually contract with us because they want customized career services that will allow them to market their strengths, values and unique selling advantage, in order to position themselves above other equally qualified and/or experienced candidates.

Contact me, your Chief Encouragement Officer, at info, and let’s have a short chat.

Free Download

If you are struggling to know how to approach the promotion conversation with your manager, you MUST download this free resource. It’s a great place to start!