No Canadian Experience, Eh?

No Canadian Experience, Eh? is a handy companion for every professional immigrant thinking of moving to Canada or those who have already arrived and need guidance. It is a toolkit of career coaching techniques for anyone trying to understand what it takes to succeed in today’s competitive job market.

This edition not only re-introduces job search basics such as résumé and cover letter design, and how to prepare and master the interview, but includes contributions from top career experts on personal branding social media, onboarding, green careers, leadership, career assessments, self-employment, consulting and time management.

It also contains advice and tips from recruiters and human resources professionals who understand what employers look for in potential employees. Settling is not an easy task as evidenced by the author’s own story and the stories of the many immigrants who contributed their stories for the project.

As founder and Lead Career Strategist at The Wright Career Solution, I provide resume writing and career services to executives, managers, and mid-career professionals. I hold several industry certifications including Certified Career Management Coach, and Certified Executive Leadership Development Coach, and Certified Resume Strategist, and I am known for my positive, ‘can-do’ attitude.
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